
SME Master Plan 2017 - 2021

The vision outlined in the Fourth SMEs Promotion Master Plan encourages “growth in Thai SMEs,
their ability to compete internationally and be an important component in driving the economy”

so that Thailand can overcome the middle-income trap within this decade.

The Fourth SMEs Promotion Master Plan aims to expand the economic role of SMEs and
so have set goals regarding their macro-economic impact where “the total value of GDP
from SMEs to the national GDP will increase by no less than 50 percent by 2021”.

The concept behind the implementation of this Master Plan is to give importance to both
developing SMEs as tools for building competitiveness to encourage rapid growth

(Competitive Growth), as well as to promote SMEs as a method for income distribution
and closing income gaps (Inclusive Growth).

For download: SME Master Plan 2017 - 2021

