
Non-Tariff Measures

Non-tariff measures (NTMs) are generally defined as policy measures other than ordinary
customs tariffs that can potentially have an economic effect on international trade in goods
e.g. mandatory requirements, rules or regulations legally set by the government of the exporting,
importing or transit country (in contrast to private standards which are not legally set). 

The non-tariff measures can be searched by Organization, HS Code, and NTM Classification.

The NTM Classification is a taxonomy of all those measures considered relevant in today’s
situation in international trade. It is based on the UNCTAD Coding System and was developed
by several international organizations

This classification comprises technical measures, such as sanitary or environmental protection
measures, as well as others traditionally used as instruments of commercial policy, e.g. quotas,
price control, exports restrictions, or contingent trade protective measures, and also other
behind-the-border measures, such as competition, trade-related investment measures,
government procurement or distribution restrictions.

The classification of non-tariff measures encompasses 16 chapters (A to P), and each individual
chapter is divided into groupings with depth up to three levels.


For more information: Non-tariff measures

For download: Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) in Thailand