
Currency Regulations


Thai emigrants who are permanent resident abroad or working abroad, foreigners temporarily staying
in Thailand for not more than 3 months, foreign embassies, international organizations, including
their staff with diplomatic privileges and immunities, may normally bring foreign currency and negotiable
instruments into Thailand without limit. They may also freely take out of the country all foreign currency
they had brought in, without limit. There is no restriction on the amount of Thai currency that can be
brought into the country.

A person traveling to Vietnam, the People's Republic of China (only Yunnan province) and Thailand's
bordering countries is allowed to take out up to 2 million Baht. Taking out Thai Baht bank notes
in an amount exceeding 450,000 Baht requires declaration to a Customs Officer. A person traveling
to other countries is allowed up to 50,000 Baht.



There is no restriction on the amount of foreign currency a resident may bring into Thailand. However,
all such currency must be sold to, or deposited into a foreign currency account with an authorized bank
within 360 days of receipt or entry into the country.



There is no restriction on the amount of foreign currency transferred into Thailand for direct or portfolio
investments. Such foreign currency, however, must be sold or deposited into a foreign currency account
with an authorized bank, within 360 days from the date of receipt or entry into the country. Repatriation of
investment funds and repayment of overseas loans, are freely permitted subject to submission of supporting
document to an authorized bank.

Please note that any person who brings into or takes out of Thailand foreign currency bank notes or coins
in an aggregate amount exceeding 20,000 US Dollars or equivalent at market rate must declare such funds
to Customs Officer. Furthermore, any transaction involving the sale, exchange, withdraw or deposit foreign
currencies in an amount exceeding 50,000 US Dollars or its equivalent shall be reported to an authorized bank
in a Foreign Exchange Transaction Form as prescribed by the Competent Officer.

Source: Bank of Thailand