
Industrial Standards

In Thailand, Thailand Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) certifies the product quality. There is the test
of product form, the assessment of quality control system of manufacturing plants, the observation
on the result, and the issuance of permit for the use of TIS mark.


The products shown the TIS marks mean the products being passed the test and being certified by
TISI to have quality and required standard as well as being safe for the consumption, having efficiency
in using and having reasonable price. Presently, TISI permits the presentation of 5 TIS marks for
the products as follows:

1. General Standard mark is the mark certifying the product quality required by TISI. TISI has set the standard
for such products already and the producers can apply for the quality certification voluntarily (general standard)
for the development of product’s quality in compliance with the criteria set forth in the standards and guaranteeing
the consumers or customers that such products have quality, safety, worthy, and suitability for the price such as
food products, construction materials, office supplies, electrical appliances, etc. 

2Regulatory Standard mark is the mark certifying the products, which the law requires to be in accordance
with the standards (regulatory standard). This is for the consumer’s safety and prevents the damage possibly
incurring to the economic and society wholly. The law requires the producers, importers, and sellers to have to
produce, import, and sell only the products in accordance with the standards. The Regulatory TIS Standard mark
must be presented in every unit in order to represent that such products have passed the certification as regulated
by law such as matches, electrical wires, ballast, detergent, PVC, iron products, fire extinguishers, toys, helmets, etc.   


3. Standard mark for safety is the mark certifying the products, which requires the safety in usage. TISI will stipulate
the standard by focusing on the safety mainly in order to protect the consumers for the safety in usage, for example,
irons, electrical fans, etc. This mark is both regulatory and non-regulatory. If it is regulatory, the law must be
conformed in order to make the products follow the standards set forth for the producers, importers, and sellers

4. Standard mark for safety is the mark certifying the products which have the properties in conserving
the environment such as water saving and not causing air pollution for developing the good quality of life of people
and conserving the environment of the country such as water-saving washing machine, non
-CFC refrigerators, etc. 
This mark is both regulatory and non-regulatory. If it is regulatory, the law must be conformed in order to make
the products follow the standards set forth for the producers, importers, and sellers

5. Standard mark for electromagnetic compatibility is the mark certifying the products, which have the properties
of electromagnetic compatibility. They are the products which can function with other products or can be used
simultaneously without sending the electromagnetic wave partly which are IT products such as telephones, fax,
radio transmitter-receiver, medical instruments, etc. This mark is both regulatory and non-regulatory. If it is
regulatory, the law must be conformed in order to make the products follow the standards set forth for the
producers, importers, and sellers

For download: Industrial Product Standards Act (No.7), B.E. 2558 (2015)
                        Procedure of Issuing a License

Source: Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI)